With Shannon, every year, for the next 15 years, your facility will save, on average, 200 tons of CO2 and $30,000 in energy. Imagine taking 600 cars off the road simply by installing thermal insulation.

Schedule your energy survey today!


Your facility is under attack, and you can’t see it. The assault costs you millions of dollars in energy and thousands of tons of greenhouse gasses.

Who’s attacking you? The uninsulated or poorly insulated components of your systems.

Each year, a typical facility loses $30,000 in energy and emits 200 tons of C02 because gate valves, heat exchanges, steam traps and more are poorly insulated or uninsulated. Two hundred tons of CO2 is the equivalent of emissions from 40 cars driven for a year.

A one-time investment in Shannon custom-fit, removable / reusable insulation blanket system stops the attack every year, for up to 15 years.

Stop the attack. Save money and save the planet.


Blankets Installed

Million $$ Saved

Million Tons CO2 Saved

Million Tons CO2 Saved

CO2 Emissions: Carbon Capture vs. Carbon Reduction

CO2 Emissions: Carbon Capture vs. Carbon Reduction

Carbon capture vs. carbon reduction – What roles do they play?   What roles do carbon capture and carbon reduction with insulation play in combating CO2 emissions and climate change. They serve different purposes. Let’s compare them: 1. Carbon Capture &...

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For more than 30 years, Shannon has developed insulation solutions for energy conservation, thermal efficiency, noise reduction and safety. Integral to our solutions is sustainability. Before sustainability became newsworthy, Shannon was engineering its solutions to help its customers reduce the use of fossil fuels and emissions. Shannon continues to undertake this work not only because sustainable solutions help customers save energy and resources but also because it’s good for communities around the globe. Along with engineering quality, field-tested solutions that last, Shannon believes it’s important to share its experiences (and what the Shannon team continues to learn) to help others embrace reusable solutions for a sustainable planet.

One way we aim to do that is by regularly publishing articles like the ones seen here that offer readers insights and ideas for how they can reach their green goals. If you have thoughts on these topics or suggestions for future articles, please contact us at