Shannon thermal removable, reusable blanket insulation captures bare surface radiant heat loss on complex steam fittings and surfaces, process and power-gen applications and more. Shannon also has a highly successful OEM program that develops and implements reusable, removable blanket insulation packages for key manufacturers.

Applications are many: Insulation blankets for valves, fittings, piping, steam traps, steam valves, pumps, equipment, equipment heads, steam turbines, gas turbines and engine exhaust.

  • Removable & truly reusable (all insulation is removable)
  • Custom-fit & CAD designed to match geometry (highest probability of reuse)
  • Excellent thermal insulation performance
    (backed by ASTM testing)
  • Easy off & easy on integral fasteners
  • Self contained reusable removable insulation system
  • Each blanket includes a metal id tag
  • Each blanket includes a low point drain grommet
  • Double sewn construction to last 15 years and beyond