CO2 Emissions: Carbon Capture vs. Carbon Reduction

Jul 17, 2024 | Shannon Blog

Carbon capture vs. carbon reduction – What roles do they play?


What roles do carbon capture and carbon reduction with insulation play in combating CO2 emissions and climate change. They serve different purposes. Let’s compare them:

1. Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)

    • Objective: CCS aims to capture CO₂ emissions produced from industrial processes, power plants, and other sources, before they reach the atmosphere, and injecting it into geologic formations deep underground for permanent storage.
    • Efficiency: Data suggests efficiency in current installations is in the 50% – 55% range.
    • Impact: While CCS reduces emissions, it doesn’t directly make buildings or products carbon-negative.
    • Considerations: CCS requires infrastructure, storage sites, and ongoing maintenance.

2. CArbon reduction – Reducing CO2 Emissions with Insulation

    • Objective: Insulation minimizes energy waste by improving energy efficiency in buildings and industrial systems.
    • Efficiency: Less heat wasted means less fuel needed at the source
    • Impact: Proper insulation reduces energy consumption, directly lowering emissions.
    • Advantages: Insulation is cost-effective, scalable, and contributes to a net reduction in atmospheric carbon.


In summary, both strategies are valuable. CCS tackles emissions before exiting the facility into the atmosphere, while insulation actively reduces energy use at the source, reducing the carbon footprint. Using reusable insulation can lead to a more sustainable future.


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 Carbon reduction by Improving your Facility’s energy performance can be an easy process. And, choosing the right insulation partner is the first step. Initiating a comprehensive process that includes an energy survey can lead to significant benefits in terms of cost savings, comfort, and sustainability.

Shannon Global Energy Solutions is the right choice for high quality insulation products that deliver performance, reusability, and safety for our employees and yours.


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 “Install Removable Insulation on Valves and Fittings” (PDF). U.S. Department of Energy.