Made to protect equipment like actuators and valves from dangerously high temperatures, Shannon’s UL 1709-tested Rapid Rise Fire Blankets block and retard flames. Along with testing its products, Shannon designs every blanket according to a set of standards. For its Rapid Rise Fire Blankets, Shannon’s designers and manufacturers work with two standards: FB2000MSSiSSiM and FB2000SSiSSi.
“Our fire blankets are different from our typical reusable thermal blankets; our thermal products keep heat in, and our Rapid Rise Fire Blankets protect a device or component from the source of heat,” says Terry Roach, Mid-Atlantic regional manager for Shannon Global Energy Solutions.
According to Roach, the blankets fit applications ranging from processing plants to military equipment, but they’re especially suited for chemical and petrochemical applications. Along with protecting items such as structural columns, cable trays and/or electrical components, the Rapid Rise Fire Blankets can cut down on insurance premiums.
Shannon ensures a perfectly fit blanket by constructing each one with CAD and CNC technology to mirror the surface geometry of the application. With a properly fitted blanket, maintenance professionals can put on a pair of gloves and install each blanket in minutes. Since the blankets are also weatherproof and chemical- and UV-resistant, workers can remove and reinstall the product for years to come. Shannon’s UL 1709-tested Rapid Rise Fire Blankets have a 15-year life span.
“We always say, ‘If the blanket fits properly, it’s going to function properly,’” adds Roach.
The Underwriters Laboratories testing method for the Shannon fire blankets is a rigorous one. The UL 1709 rapid fire test method vets the function of the blanket to see if it can withstand a rapid-temperature-rise fire with an average temperature of 1999.4°F ± 132.8°F (1093°C ± 56°C) within 5 minutes from the start of the test. The materials must provide sufficient fire protection so that equipment maintains structural integrity for 30 minutes.
“From this, we know that the fire blankets will protect just about any type of device a customer has,” adds Roach.